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公司简介 / ABOUT

广州商搜信息技术有限公司是华人地区紧固件行业的最大媒体平台,是目前浏览量最高紧固件行业网站。目前已拥有50多名充满理想和活力的 “商搜人”,秉承“提供最有价值的信息、服务最有价值的客户”的宗旨,通过信息技术 和资源整合,提升行业信息化水平和品牌意识。


Business search information is the largest media platform for the fastener industry in Chinese areas and the fastener industry website with the highest number of views at present. At present, it has more than 50 people full of ideals and vitality "Business search people", adhering to the purpose of "providing the most valuable information and serving the most valuable customers", through information technology And resource integration to improve the industry informatization level and brand awareness.

公司产品 / ABOUT
